21 Best Guest Posting Sites in Romania |High DA PA Websites | Punnaka

best guest posting sites in romania

  • 2023-04-23 17:33

Top 21 Best Guest Post Websites in Romania

Are you looking for the best guest post websites in Romania to get quality backlinks and increase your website's online visibility?

Look no further because we have compiled a list of Romania's top 20 best guest post websites that can help you achieve your goals.



Guest posting is an effective way to build relationships with other bloggers and gain exposure for your website.

Submitting high-quality content to popular websites in your niche can drive traffic to your site, improve your search engine rankings,

and establish yourself as an authority in your industry.


Criteria for Selection

We selected the top 20 best guest post websites in Romania based on several criteria, including website traffic,

domain authority, niche relevance, editorial standards, and engagement metrics.

We also considered the website's user experience, design, and overall reputation.


Top 21 Best Guest Posting sites list in Romania

● Punnaka.com

● Romania-Insider.com

● Business24.ro

● Wall-Street.ro

● Ziarul Financiar

● Apropo.ro

● Realitatea.net

● Ziare.com

● Playtech.ro

● Cancan.ro

● DCNews.ro

● Libertatea.ro

● G4Media.ro

● Capital.ro

● Digi24.ro

● Stiripesurse.ro

● Adevarul.ro

● Click.ro

● Fanatik.ro

● ProSport.ro

● Ziuanews.ro


Top 20 Best Guest Posting Websites in Romania


Punnaka.com accept articles and blogs on general topics like business, beauty, fashion, lifestyle, shopping, travel,

health, education, marketing, digital marketing, technology, software, and other general categories.

They allow you to follow links; the link and post will be permanent. The article will be Google indexed as per Google norms. 

If you want to publish an article on Punnaka.com, then please email the article topics or the article at [email protected]



Romania-Insider.com is a popular English-language news website that covers Romania's politics, economy, culture, and society.

It has a domain authority of 62 and receives over 600,000 monthly visitors.

To submit a guest post, email the editor with your pitch and article idea.



Business24.ro is a Romanian business news website covering finance, investments, startups, and technology.

It has a domain authority of 58 and receives over 400,000 monthly visitors.

To submit a guest post, you need to register on the website and follow its editorial guidelines.



Wall-Street.ro is one of Romania's leading business news websites that covers the latest news, trends,

and analysis in the Romanian economy. It has a domain authority of 56 and receives over 1 million, monthly visitors.

To submit a guest post, email the editor with your pitch and article idea.


5. Ziarul Financiar

Ziarul Financiar is a Romanian daily financial newspaper that covers the latest news, analysis,

and trends in the Romanian economy and business world.

It has a domain authority of 55 and receives over 1.5 million, monthly visitors.

To submit a guest post, you need to email the editor with your pitch and article idea.



Apropo.ro is a popular Romanian news website that covers various topics such as politics, entertainment, lifestyle, and sports.

It has a domain authority of 52 and receives over 3 million, monthly visitors.

To submit a guest post, email the editor with your pitch and article idea.



Realitatea.net is a leading Romanian news website that covers the latest news, analysis, and trends in Romania and worldwide.

It has a domain authority of 51 and receives over 2 million, monthly visitors.

To submit a guest post, email the editor with your pitch and article idea.



Ziare.com is a popular Romanian news website that covers various topics such as politics, economy, sports, and entertainment.

It has a domain authority of 50 and receives over 5 million, monthly visitors.

To submit a guest post, email the editor with your pitch and article idea.



Playtech.ro is a Romanian technology news website that covers topics such as gadgets, software, gaming, and social media.

It has a domain authority of 49 and receives over 1 million, monthly visitors.

To submit a guest post, you need to email the editor with your pitch and article idea.



Cancan.ro is a popular Romanian news and entertainment website that covers gossip, scandals, and celebrity news.

It has a domain authority of 48 and receives over 2 million, monthly visitors.

To submit a guest post, email the editor with your pitch and article idea.



DCNews.ro is a Romanian news website that covers politics, economics, culture, and sports.

It has a domain authority of 47 and receives over 1 million, monthly visitors.

To submit a guest post, email the editor with your pitch and article idea.



Libertatea.ro is a popular Romanian news website covering politics, entertainment, and lifestyle.

It has a domain authority of 45 and receives over 3 million, monthly visitors.

To submit a guest post, email the editor with your pitch and article idea.



G4Media.ro is a Romanian independent news website that covers politics, economy, society, and culture.

It has a domain authority of 44 and receives over 500,000 monthly visitors.

To submit a guest post, email the editor with your pitch and article idea.



Capital.ro is a Romanian business news website covering finance, investments, and entrepreneurship.

It has a domain authority of 42 and receives over 500,000 monthly visitors.

To submit a guest post, email the editor with your pitch and article idea.



Digi24.ro is a popular Romanian news website that covers various topics such as politics, economics, and culture.

It has a domain authority of 41 and receives over 4 million, monthly visitors.

To submit a guest post, email the editor with your pitch and article idea.



Stiripesurse.ro is a Romanian news website that covers various topics such as politics, economy, and sports.

It has a domain authority of 40 and receives over 2 million, monthly visitors.

To submit a guest post, email the editor with your pitch and article idea.



Adevarul.ro is a Romanian news website covering politics, economy, culture, and sports.

It has a domain authority of 39 and receives over 5 million, monthly visitors.

To submit a guest post, email the editor with your pitch and article idea.



Click.ro is a Romanian entertainment news website covering celebrities, fashion, and lifestyle.

It has a domain authority of 38 and receives over 1 million, monthly visitors.

To submit a guest post, email the editor with your pitch and article idea.



Fanatik.ro is a Romanian sports news website covering football, basketball, and tennis topics.

It has a domain authority of 37 and receives over 1 million, monthly visitors.

To submit a guest post, email the editor with your pitch and article idea.



Stiri.tvr.ro is the official website of the Romanian public television broadcaster TVR.

It covers various topics such as politics, economy, culture, and sports.

It has a domain authority of 36 and receives over 2 million, monthly visitors.

To submit a guest post, email the editor with your pitch and article idea.



Descopera.ro is a popular Romanian science and technology news website covering astronomy, biology, physics, and psychology topics.

It has a domain authority of 35 and receives over 500,000 monthly visitors.

To submit a guest post, email the editor with your pitch and article idea.



In conclusion, guest posting is a great way to improve your website's SEO and reach a wider audience.

Romania has several high-quality websites that accept guest posts and cover various topics.

By following the guidelines and submitting high-quality content, you can increase your chances of getting published and reaching your target audience.



1. What is guest posting?

Ans. Guest posting is the process of writing and publishing an article on another website to increase your website's traffic,

reach a new audience, and improve your website's SEO.


2. How can guest posting improve my website's SEO?

Ans. Guest posting can improve your website's SEO by providing backlinks to your website from high-quality websites,

which can increase your website's authority and ranking on search engines.


3. How do I submit a guest post to a website?

Ans. To submit a guest post, research the website's guidelines and contact the editor with your pitch and article idea.


4. What should I include in my guest post?

Ans. Your guest post should be well-written, informative, and relevant to the website's audience.

It should also include a bio and backlinks to your website.


5. Can guest posting help me reach a wider audience?

Ans. Yes, guest posting can help you reach a wider audience by allowing you to

publish your content on high-quality websites with established audiences.


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    2024-11-06 16:56