+91 9978674969
Commenced its Journey in the year 2000, today BRITISH ACADEMY is successful in establishing. This programme aims to train learners to be more receptive, effective, and communicative and be a good speaker and above all a well groomed human being. It provides an overview of communications that plays an important role in business and in day to day life. We emphasize to improve the confidence to speak, demonstrate skills and to make presentations to the audience of various sizes, both official and personal
1. Technique oriented approach
2. Step by step preparation
3. Limited batch size
4. Personalized attention
5. Free grammar coaching
6. Convenient timings
Are you looking for a Top IELTS Coaching Class/Institute In Gujarat? Madhavi's British Academy provides IELTS Coaching Classes Gujarat conducted by their expert trainers.
Day | Open / Close | Start Time / End Time |
Sunday |
holiday To holiday |
Monday |
8:00 AM To 6:00 PM |
Tuesday |
8:00 AM To 6:00 PM |
Wednesday |
8:00 AM To 6:00 PM |
Thursday |
8:00 AM To 6:00 PM |
Friday |
8:00 AM To 6:00 PM |
Saturday |
8:00 AM To 6:00 PM |
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